Some thoughts on writing

There’s something really satisfying about physically putting pen to paper. I’ve never been good at consistently keeping a diary, but every time I go back to do it I remember just how enjoyable it is. To-do lists, planning, brainstorming, even just incoherent streams of thoughts are so satisfying when they’re scribbled out in front of you. Plus ticking those to do items off a list is even better.

As much as blogging is like that, it never quite fills the gap like writing it down does. Sometimes there are things you don’t want to include in a blog post, like just how much chocolate I’ve eaten in the past week. Or that I want to join a gym again and lose 10kg by November. Or that I’m trying to look after myself a bit more by actually brushing my teeth and washing my face twice a day. It seems a bit silly to blurt some things out on the internet, when nobody is really interested in that stuff except me and Tim. Okay so Tim isn’t actually interested in it but he has to listen to it anyway (thanks bby).

I can’t say I’m a very skilled writer. I wish I was better at it. I spend a lot of time reading various blog posts and articles and Thought Catalog lists, and have definitely attempted the fluid, easy to read prose that seems to pop up in various corners of the web. But I’ve never quite mastered the art of it, of writing inspiring long sentences punctuated by short sharp jabs of reality. The only way to improve is to practice though, and I think until I’m feeling a bit more confident about the whole process I’ll probably post on here a little less often. Of course when I do anything fabulous I’ll make sure to post some pictures and a neat little summary for you all to read, but I feel like I can probably contain my ramblings within my diary and my own head for now.

If anybody would like to send me a gift for this purpose though I’d love one of Erin Condren’s life planners, which you can find here. Please and thanks. Combine an incessant over-planner with a lover of new stationery and I think you’ve found the target market for these: me.

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3 Responses to Some thoughts on writing

  1. Sara de Horne says:

    I disagree! Your blogs are very well-written and entertaining (and that’s not just because you’re family!).

    Continuing to write will just improve your skill, but pleased don’t give up blogging – what will I do in my lunch hour then?? 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love your blogs and soak up every word my darling girl!! And I’m very pleased to hear you are brushing your teeth every day!! :). The more you write the easier it will get so keep writing!! xoxo


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